Darcey's Tribute to Nanny


Created by Karen 2 years ago
My Nanny was special to me. I know from the photos that she and Grandad Ken raced to the hospital the day I was born so that she could be the first to hold me and welcome me into the world. Although I don’t actually remember that, I do remember the things we did together as I grew up. Every Christmas she and Mummy took me to see Santa at Burford Garden Centre, and in summer we would go strawberry picking at Millets Farm.

Nanny was always doing things for other people. I remember how much she cared for Grandad Ken when he became ill. Nanny was always cooking and making things for people – she knew I loved chocolate cake, and would bake a fresh one every time I came to visit. One Christmas I received a patchwork quilt that she had spent hours sewing, and I will always treasure this.

It was sad to see her start to forget things over the last year or two, and I used to sit and talk to her and ask her to tell me about the photos she had. I know that she’s at peace now, and I can remember the nice times we had together.