Maria's Tribute to Margaret


Created by Karen 2 years ago

During the last year Maria was Margaret's main live in carer - affectionately known as Goldilocks. She had to return home in the summer to care for her own family, but when the new arrangements didn’t work out she flew back to the UK early to care for Margaret. Maria was with her when she passed away and has sent us these words to remember her:

Dear Margaret,

From thousands of kilometres away I am there with my soul, with your lovely family, with your friends who have known you for a lifetime, with all the people who loved you. I still remember our first day together.

Your beautiful blue eyes reminded me of my mother. You were beautiful and good, a noble person, eternally concerned about doing something wrong or upsetting someone whilst facing your own daily battles with Alzheimer's.

We lived together for 9 months but it was as if I had known you for a lifetime. You taught me how to never give up. Your life were an example for me. In your house I felt at home and your family was a real support for me and I thank them very much.

I never forget you my lovely lady.

God bless you!
with love Goldilocks